President Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer, President of The Arizona Tesla Science Foundation

”My goal is to bring Tesla technology research and development to the world and education of the great scientists whom have build and developed technologies to help improve humanities lives in the scientific areas of sciences for the children and for humanity.”


Robert Meyer is President of the Arizona Tesla Science Foundation and past President of Rhode Chapter – International Tesla Society. He comes from a background of research technology in the field of Free energy research and Ufology research from a very young age. He was focused on building of crystal radios, education in electronic sciences and technology as well as working in building an unusal science projects. He was studying how natures electrical fields and energies work with natural order.


  • Graduate of High school, Degree in electronics at Davies Technical college Smithfield Rhode Island , Rhode Island College psychology;

  • Certified Behavioral science technician certified in emergency medical survival training;

  • Certification US Justice assistance crime watch management programs;

  • Certified in Ufology sciences and technology, Certified Reiki master teacher;


Assistaning in development and building the Interdimensional power device with George Perry
Building alternative free energy devices and water from air units, Tesla frequency generators to grow plants, research and develop of water hydrogen fuel.

Perry’s Interdimensional Power System – KeelyNet 12/23/01

Interdimensional Power System by Robert Meyers & George Perry KeelyNet 12/23/01 This article was published in the now defunct International Tesla Society.